types of memory

What are the Different Types of Memory

A Background on Human Memory

Human memory is a complex and fascinating cognitive process that involves the encoding, storage, and retrieval of information. It plays a crucial role in our daily lives, allowing us to learn, adapt, and remember past experiences. Understanding the basics of human memory can provide insights into how we learn, retain information, and recall it when needed. When we know how memories are formed, we optimize our learning and recall abilities. Notably, the field of memory research is vast and continually evolving. Scientists and researchers employ various models, theories, and experimental techniques to explore the intricacies of human memory and its underlying neural mechanisms.

Memory Encoding

The memory process begins with encoding, which involves the initial acquisition and processing of information. During encoding the brain receives sensory information from the environment and transforms it into stored form and later retrieved. Factors such as attention, perception, and the meaningfulness of the information influence the encoding process.

Memory Storage

The brain moves encoded information into the storage phase. Here, the brain retains the information for later retrieval. We conceptualize memory storage in terms of three main stages that also are part of the different memory types at the core of the current article’s presentation. The three stages are sensory, short-term, and long-term memory storage stages.

Sensory memory is the initial stage of memory that briefly holds sensory information from the environment. Short-term memory, also known as working memory, is responsible for temporarily holding and manipulating information. Long-Term Memory (LTM) store information for longer periods, ranging from minutes to a lifetime.

Memory Retrieval

Retrieval is the process of accessing stored information from memory. It involves the activation and reconstruction of encoded information for use in the present moment. Retrieval cues, such as associations, context, or specific prompts, can aid in the recall of stored information. Further, the strength of the memory, the cues available, and the encoding and storage processes, influence the process of information retrieval.

Memory and Forgetting

While memory allows us to retain and recall information, forgetting is also a common occurrence. Forgetting can happen due to various reasons, such as interference from other memories, decay over time, inadequate encoding or retrieval cues, or neurocognitive disorders. Understanding the factors that influence forgetting can help develop strategies to enhance memory retention and recall.

The Main Types of Human Memory

Different types of memory work together to enable us to learn, retain, and recall information from our experiences and the world around us. The broad categories of human memory are 4 and based on the duration and nature of the stored information. The memory types include sensory, short-term, long-term, and autobiographical. Memory processes are complex and interconnected, and these categories provide a simplified framework for understanding the organization of human memory.

Sensory Memory

The initial stage of memory is sensory. “The senses collect information from the environment and briefly register it. This information divides into iconic memory (visual sensory) and echoic memory (auditory sensory). The memory retains information for a very short period (milliseconds to seconds) before either discarding it or transferring it to short-term memory.”

Short-Term Memory (STM)

STM, also known as working memory, temporarily stores information actively processed and used for immediate tasks. It has limited capacity and duration, typically holding around 7 ± 2 chunks of information for about 15-30 seconds. Short-term memory informs tasks such as mental calculations, problem-solving, and decision-making.

Long-Term Memory (LTM)

Long-term memory is responsible for storing information over longer periods, ranging from minutes to a lifetime. It has a vast capacity to hold various types of knowledge and experiences. Long-term memory further divides into explicit (declarative) and implicit (non-declarative) memories.

Explicit Memory

Explicit memory, also known as declarative memory, refers to conscious memories that you can intentionally recall and describe. It divides into two subtypes:

  • Episodic Memory: Involves the recollection of specific personal experiences, including the time, place, emotions, and associated details.
  • Semantic Memory: Stores general knowledge, facts, concepts, and meanings not tied to specific personal experiences.

Implicit Memory

The retention and influence of previous experiences on subsequent behavior, without conscious awareness or deliberate effort makes up implicit memory. The memory further divides into various subtypes, including:

  • Procedural Memory: Involves the recall of skills, habits, and motor patterns, such as riding a bike or typing on a keyboard.
  • Priming: Refers to the effect of prior exposure to a stimulus on the processing of subsequent related stimuli, without conscious awareness.
  • Conditioning: Involves the association between stimuli and responses, such as classical and operant conditioning.

Autobiographical Memory

Autobiographical memory refers to the collection of personal memories and experiences that form an individual’s life history. It encompasses a combination of episodic and semantic memories related to one’s own life. Cultural and social norms of the environment where an individual is born and raised highly influence this memory.

types of memory

What types of memory has the attribute of limitless capacity?

The type of memory that has essentially limitless capacity is long-term memory. LTM can store a vast amount of information over a prolonged period, ranging from minutes to a lifetime. Unlike sensory memory and short-term memory, which have limited capacities, long-term memory has the potential to hold virtually unlimited amounts of knowledge, experiences, and skills.

While the exact capacity of long-term memory is not precisely defined, it is believed to have an immense storage capacity due to the vast network of neural connections and associations in the brain. The brain’s ability to form new connections and reinforce existing ones allows for the continuous acquisition and retention of information throughout a person’s lifetime.

It is important to note that while long-term memory has a high capacity, the ease of retrieving specific information from long-term memory can vary. Factors such as the strength of the memory, the level of encoding and consolidation, and the retrieval cues available can influence the accessibility of stored information.

What parts of the brain are involved in memory?

Memory involves the collaboration of various brain regions, each with its own specific functions in the encoding, storage, and retrieval of information. The processes involved are complex and engage widespread neural networks and connections across the brain. Interactions between brain structures and communication between different brain regions are crucial for effective memory function. While memory is a complex process that engages multiple brain regions, some key structures involved in memory formation and retrieval have been identified and are highlighted below.


The hippocampus, located deep within the brain’s temporal lobe, plays a crucial role in the formation of new memories, particularly in the consolidation of declarative memories (episodic and semantic memories). It helps in encoding and transferring information from short-term memory to long-term memory. Damage to the hippocampus can result in severe memory impairment.


The amygdala, situated near the hippocampus, is primarily associated with emotional memory processing. It helps in the consolidation of emotionally significant memories, such as those involving fear, pleasure, or trauma. The amygdala’s involvement in memory adds an emotional component that can enhance memory retention.

Prefrontal Cortex

The prefrontal cortex, located at the front of the brain, is involved in working memory, attention, and executive functions. It helps in the temporary storage and manipulation of information, allowing us to hold and process information for immediate tasks.

Temporal Lobes

The temporal lobes, including the medial temporal lobes, house the hippocampus and are vital for declarative memory formation. They are involved in encoding and consolidating new memories, especially episodic memories related to personal experiences.

Cerebral Cortex

The cerebral cortex, the outer layer of the brain engages in long-term memory storage and retrieval. Different regions of the cerebral cortex play a role in specific types of memories. For example, the frontal cortex plays a role in working memory and executive functions, while the parietal cortex engages spatial memory.

Basal Ganglia

The basal ganglia, a group of structures deep within the brain, are involved in the formation and retrieval of procedural memories. Such memories relate to skills, habits, and motor patterns.


The cerebellum, located at the back of the brain, is primarily associated with motor coordination and balance. However, it also plays a role in certain forms of implicit memory, particularly procedural memory, contributing to the learning and execution of motor skills.

Take Away Message

Memory is a complex cognitive process that allows us to learn, retain, and recall information from our experiences and the world around us.

Different types of memory exist, including sensory memory, short-term memory (working memory), long-term memory (explicit and implicit memory), and autobiographical.

Long-term memory has an essentially limitless capacity, allowing us to store vast amounts of information for extended periods.

Memory formation involves the collaboration of brain regions such as the hippocampus, amygdala, prefrontal cortex, temporal lobes, basal ganglia, and cerebral cortex.

The hippocampus is critical for the formation of new memories and the consolidation of declarative memories.

Emotional memories are processed by the amygdala, which adds an emotional component to memory retention.

The prefrontal cortex is involved in working memory, attention, and executive functions. On the other hand, different regions of the cerebral cortex are associated with specific types of memories.

The basal ganglia and cerebellum play roles in the formation and retrieval of implicit memories of the procedural type.

Memory is a dynamic and interconnected process, and the strength of memories and the ease of retrieval can be influenced by various factors, including attention, consolidation, and retrieval cues.

Understanding how the brain and memory work together can help us optimize our learning, improve memory retention, and enhance our ability to recall information when needed.

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